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What Is Sclerotherapy – All You Need To Know


What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a science-backed medical procedure that has been used since the 1930s as a treatment for varicose veins and spider veins. The treatment usually involves injecting a salt solution directly into the vein you wish to eliminate. This solution causes the treated vein to shrivel up and the blood to clot, causing the vein to turn into scar tissue. Over time, this vein is hidden from view. 

The procedure and results

Sclerotherapy has a 90% success rate at treating varicose and spider veins. This procedure takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on how many veins you would like treated. Though walking is encouraged, you should avoid high aerobic activity for a few days after your appointment. 

You can expect to see results after 3 – 6 weeks. More prominent veins may take 3 – 4 months, depending on the size. You could require more than one session, but the results are permanent! The treatment does not stop new veins from showing up but does eradicate the previous ones.

What to avoid after your sclerotherapy treatment

Your clinician will instruct you to wear supportive legwear to keep the treated vessels tight together. You should bring these with you so your clinician can check that they are the correct compression pressure. Though it is recommended that you walk, you will be able to drive home after your session. 

Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medicines for at least 48 hours. You may use Tylenol if needed. It would be best to avoid hot baths, hot compresses, whirlpools, saunas and direct sunlight exposure for at least 48 hours. Cool showers are allowed, and you can gently wash the injection site with mild soap and tepid water.

Risks and side-effects

A common belief is that Sclerotherapy can cause veins to worsen or add to the number of spider veins you may already have – this is false. Temporary side-effects at the injection site may include bruising, tiny red swellings, small skin sores, dark lines or spots or small red blood vessels. 

Even less common but more serious side-effects include inflammation, blood clot, air bubbles, allergic reaction, tissue necrosis or nerve damage. If you have any questions, please speak to a House of Saab team member for a complete list of side effects.

Why you should choose House of Saab

Our friendly and professional team at House of Saab will provide you with a free personal consultation to discuss your areas of concern and run through the most effective treatment plans best suited to you and your needs.

At House of Saab, we provide only the best experience for our clients from beginning to end. Our expert and experienced technicians are here to answer any questions or queries you may have and promise to provide you with the highest quality treatments and products available. Please speak to a staff member to discuss costs during your free consultation as each treatment requirement is different to each client.

Read more about the Sclerotherapy treatment

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