Book House of Saab
House of Saab

How can it be treated?

Acne is often an unwanted concern, with the characteristic black, white or yellow heads perceived to be unattractive. It is tempting for the affected person to pick at or squeeze the spots in order to try and lessen their appearance. The truth is that this will have the opposite effect and cause the condition to become more widespread.

The most effective way to keep acne under control is to practice a good skin care regime that maintains regular cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water will help to nourish your skin, as well as your body.

At House of Saab, a range of treatments are available to help enhance the results of a good skincare routine. Chemical peels, bespoke facials and skin rejuvenation can contribute to improved health and condition of the skin for a clearer, brighter complexion.


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