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House of Saab

At a glance

Plumper complexion, smooth texture

up to 45 minutes

Up to two days

6 to 12 months

Plumper complexion, smooth texture

up to 45 minutes

Up to two days

6 to 12 months


What is polynucleotide treatment?

Polynucleotides, which are fragments of nucleic acids derived from salmon DNA. These polynucleotides do stimulate cell growth and repair processes in the skin. When injected or applied topically, they can help improve skin elasticity, hydration, and overall texture. Polynucleotide treatment is commonly used for anti-aging purposes, to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, as well as to promote wound healing and scar reduction.

How do polynucleotide renew your skin?

Polynucleotide complexes are delivered through numerous microinjections into the deeper layers of the skin. In this process, polynucleotides (PNs) prompt fibroblasts to produce fresh collagen and elastin fibers, enhancing firmness and structural support. Research indicates that polynucleotides also aid in reducing melanin production and boosting skin hydration, resulting in a more uniform and luminous complexion. Over a period of 4-6 weeks following treatments, noticeable yet subtle enhancements become apparent as the skin undergoes a rejuvenating process, leading to increased volume, clarity, and radiance.

Before & Afters

What results and level of aftercare are expected?

After undergoing polynucleotide treatment, patients can typically expect to see improvements in skin firmness, texture, and hydration, as well as a reduction in wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation irregularities. The level of aftercare required for optimal results involves avoiding direct sun exposure, wearing sunscreen daily, and following any specific post-treatment instructions provided by the healthcare provider. Additionally, maintaining a good skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, moisturising, and the use of recommended skincare products can help prolong and enhance the effects of polynucleotide therapy. Regular follow-up appointments are also be recommended to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

What are the side effects of this treatment?

Common side effects of polynucleotide treatment include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection sites. These side effects are usually mild and resolve within a few days to a week after the procedure. In some cases, patients may experience slight discomfort or itching during the healing process. Serious side effects are rare but include infection, allergic reactions, or the formation of nodules or lumps at the injection sites. It’s essential for patients to discuss any concerns or unusual symptoms with their dedicated doctor promptly.

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Yes we do, you are only required to pay a Deposit of £100 to secure a consultation with our aesthetic specialists, which is credited towards the cost of your treatment on the day or in near future, so you are not charged for consultation alone. However, should you wish to only consult us on the treatment, the deposit is deducted for consultation rate!

Visible enhancements become apparent within four weeks as collagen production is stimulated, with continued improvement expected over the course of three to six months.

Polynucleotides offer a gentle and safe rejuvenation option for most adult skin types, gradually revitalising dull and aging skin. Signs that you may benefit from this treatment include experiencing loss of firmness, lines, or wrinkles due to intrinsic or environmental factors, noticing dryness, flakiness, or signs of dehydration, having uneven texture, enlarged pores, or acne scarring, displaying sun damage such as age spots, freckles, or melasma patches, seeking to counter future photoaging or maintain skin health, and desiring a radiant, hydrated complexion without relying heavily on makeup. This treatment is not advisable for individuals with severe allergies, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years old.

Yes, the treatment safely enhances all adult skin in need of renewal.

A series of 3-6 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart often yields superb skin rejuvenation.

Yes, over time, stimulated collagen helps reduce the appearance of scars for smoother texture.

Most report minimal pinpricks but no pain. Any tenderness fades within hours.

We provide a range of payment options to our customers across all treatments and products. We have “Buy Now Pay Later” schemes active via Paypal Credit and Klarna, where you’re also presented with the option to split payments. Alternatively, we offer the option to pay in 2 or 3 instalments for our treatment package bookings, depending on the cost of package and number of sessions involved. You can find out more about these options on our dedicated Payment Options page.


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