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Everything You Need to Know About Buccal Contour Facial

Facial Balancing

Ready to give your skin the pampering and care it deserves? Look no further than House of Saab, the best skin aesthetics clinic in London.

We can help you achieve the perfect complexion through our Buccal Contour Facial – an uplifting and refreshing treatment designed to give a natural boost to your facial features.

Find out more about how this luxurious beauty treatment can transform your look.

What exactly is a Buccal Facial?

The Buccal Contour Facial, often dubbed as the “natural facelift”, is a non-invasive treatment that works wonders for your skin.

This technique involves massaging the buccal area (the inner cheeks and jawline) to stimulate blood flow and kickstart collagen production.

As a result, your facial skin appears more plumped, toned and radiant.

It’s an excellent choice for those seeking a youthful glow without resorting to surgical procedures.<

The Benefits of a Buccal Contour Facial

A Buccal Contour Facial offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond aesthetic appeal.

Firstly, it enhances skin elasticity and promotes collagen production, leading to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

Secondly, the massaging action helps to relieve facial tension, particularly in the jawline area, often associated with stress or grinding teeth.

Regular treatments can also increase blood circulation, resulting in a healthier skin complexion and promoting the natural detoxification process.

Furthermore, it is a completely non-invasive and painless procedure, providing a safer alternative to surgical facelifts.

Lastly, the Buccal Contour Facial leaves you with a rejuvenated, youthful appearance that is not only radiant but also exudes well-being and vitality.

When will I start seeing results?

The duration until visible results can vary from person to person, as it depends on individual skin characteristics. However, most clients report noticeable changes even after the first session. The skin feels softer, firmer, and more radiant. For optimal results, we recommend a series of Buccal Contour Facial treatments. Consistent treatments, typically once a month, can lead to more dramatic improvements, including enhanced facial contouring and a significant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

How Long Do Results Last?

The longevity of the results from a Buccal Contour Facial can vary depending on individual skin characteristics and lifestyle factors.

Generally, the effects can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. Maintaining a healthy skincare regime, staying hydrated, and protecting your skin from extreme weather conditions and sun exposure can help prolong the results.

Furthermore, regular treatments, ideally once a month, can not only maintain the results but also lead to gradual improvements over time. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to skincare treatments.

Which Skin Type is Best Suited for the Buccal Facial?

The Buccal Contour Facial is suitable for all skin types.

Whether your skin is dry, oily, combination, or sensitive, this treatment can offer bespoke benefits.

It’s especially beneficial for individuals seeking to enhance their facial contour, work on fine lines and wrinkles, or simply wishing to achieve a more youthful, radiant complexion.

However, as with any skin treatment, we always recommend a consultation with our expert aestheticians to ensure the Buccal Contour Facial is the best fit for your skincare goals and needs.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Like any skincare treatment, the Buccal Contour Facial may have some side effects, but these are generally mild and temporary.

Some clients might experience slight redness or tenderness in the treated area post-procedure; however, these effects typically subside within a few hours.

A less common side effect is a mild discomfort or sensitivity during the massage process, particularly if the client has an inflamed dental condition.

It’s crucial to share any health concerns or conditions with your aesthetician before the treatment. Rest assured, at House of Saab, our trained professionals prioritise your comfort and safety, ensuring a relaxing experience throughout your Buccal Contour Facial journey.

Preparing For Your Buccal Contour Facial Treatment

In order to reap the maximum benefits from your Buccal Contour Facial, it’s important to prepare appropriately before your treatment. Here are a few steps we recommend:

  1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment can help enhance the effects of the treatment. Hydrated skin responds better to the massage techniques used in a Buccal Contour Facial.
  2. Maintain a clean face: Arrive for your treatment with clean, make-up free skin. This allows our aesthetician to immediately start the treatment without the need for additional cleansing.
  3. Avoid direct sunlight: Try to avoid excessive sun exposure for at least 24 hours before your treatment. Sun-damaged or irritated skin might not respond as well to the Buccal Contour Facial.
  4. Inform your aesthetician: If you have any skin conditions, dental issues, or health concerns, please inform your aesthetician beforehand. This helps us to tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring a more comfortable and effective experience.

By following these simple steps, you can prepare your skin for an invigorating Buccal Contour Facial, setting you on the path to a youthful and radiant complexion. We look forward to welcoming you to House of Saab and being a part of your skin’s journey!
